Empowering Nonprofit Leaders to Drive Lasting Change

Jill’s 360º view of the nonprofit ecosystem helps you pursue new opportunities, manage change, and achieve sustainable growth.

Together, we’ll empower you to effectively navigate the now and retain focus on the future, develop a right-sized plan for your organization, and make the key investments to operationalize your strategic vision.


Development Strategy

Maximize your fundraising success by attracting donors that fuel growth, diversify revenue, and increase your sustainability.

Marketing and Communications

Increase your visibility and ensure key stakeholders understand your impact.

Leadership Coaching

Make confident and effective decisions with a strategic advisor and trusted confidant by your side.

Philanthropic Strategy

Achieve your philanthropic goals by enhancing your impact, effectiveness, and sustainability.

Strategic Planning Facilitation

Ensure strategic planning that captures stakeholder buy-in, aligns vision, and produces a compelling and actionable plan.

Impact Strategy

Develop an effective and inspirational theory of change that reflects your impact.

Nonprofit leadership is a balancing act.

You’re asked to manage both board and staff, handle the crisis of the moment and plan for the future, and make budget decisions to allocate limited resources. You’re asked to wear every hat, make every important decision, and manage every stakeholder. For many leaders, this tall order often leads to overwhelm, uncertainty, and burnout.

You don’t need to do it alone.

I’ve helped hundreds of leaders like you navigate the now, while retaining a strategic vision for the future. I bring 360º insight of the nonprofit landscape to my work in development, communications, coaching, strategic planning, and impact strategy. Together we’ll develop a right-sized plan for your organization and chart a course towards lasting impact.


  • I am so grateful for Jill’s knowledge, talents, and guidance. She recognized our needs for increased capacity, better systems, and infrastructure, while at the same time considering how best to position the CCBA for success. She is an excellent thought partner, and really helped me to activate our strategic vision. We are a stronger organization because of our work with Jill!

    - Kerry Artman, Executive Director

  • “Working with Jill Marshall Consulting has been transformative to our very young organization. Jill is masterful at looking at an area where an organization wants to grow and develop, identifying the areas where improvement is needed and highlighting the current strengths. Jill is also a wonderful team player. She worked closely with our marketing and development consultant Elliott Mitzi to do a complete overhaul of our website and support the creation of a branding document that all stakeholders connected to NESA were briefed on. Jill brings decades of experience to her work and is professional in every aspect.”

    - Jennifer Chambers, Head of School, New England School of the Arts

  • "Jill brings the perfect combination of deep experience, rigorous organizational and planning skills, carefully structured timelines and absolute professionalism to every client. Jill is also a compassionate human, who offers patience, great listening skills and empathy to her clients. Jill has been the catalyst and coach for the strategic growth we've accomplished at FOS over the last three years. Jill's thoughtful balance of all of the qualities noted above enabled our board and staff to achieve this growth, while still feeling energized and ready to take on the next challenges."

    – Jenny Williams, Executive Director, Finding Our Stride

  • "My work with Jill in the past couple of years has brought our organization to the next level. Jill facilitated HCC's first-ever strategic plan and then collaborated with me to determine the strategy and narrative for a critical $625,000 federal grant application. Jill is an excellent thought-partner, knowledgeable, experienced, thorough, and such a pleasure to work and laugh with. She gets the work done and helps you get your work done too!"

    – Emily Musty Zanleoni, LCMHC, NCC, CPS

    Executive Director, Hartford Community Coalition

  • "Jill helped us make sense of the local fundraising landscape. She took the time to develop a deep understanding of our mission and impact, then used that knowledge to match us with the right grant opportunities, and also found practical, doable ways for us to build stronger relationships with our donors. We've been able to focus our fundraising efforts and are pursuing programs that we never would have been able to before. Jill is creative, empathetic, experienced, and just plain fun to work with. She not only helped us get our work done, she helped us dream big."

    – Mark Bradley, Executive Director, Bugbee Senior Center

  • "Working with Jill Marshall has been an absolute pleasure. Her expertise in many areas ranging from executive coaching to fundraising and grant writing shines through in every project, from intricate strategic planning to crafting detailed development plans. Jill's professionalism, dedication, and adaptability make her an invaluable asset to organizations of all sizes. I highly recommend Jill for her exceptional work ethic and collaborative approach that consistently delivers outstanding results."

    – Barbara Farnsworth, Community Leader, Hartford, VT